Distribution of Propofol in different anatomic region of dog brain under the conditions of noxious stimuli with the brain uptake equilibrium 脑摄取平衡时伤害性刺激条件下异丙酚在犬脑各解剖区域的分布
The Expressions of VEGF in the Spinal Cords of Rats with Neuropathic Pain and the Facilitating Effects on Noxious Stimuli VEGF在神经病理性疼痛大鼠脊髓的表达及其对伤害性刺激反应的易化作用
Effects of electroacupuncture and noxious stimuli on the discharge of substantia nigra neurons in rats 电针及伤害性刺激对大鼠黑质神经元放电的影响
Injuries and intense noxious stimuli result in pain hypersensitivity, which is contributed by peripheral sensitization ( increased sensitivity of primary sensory nociceptors) and central sensitization ( increased sensitivity of spinal dorsal horn and other CNS neurons). 损伤和强烈的伤害刺激能导致痛过敏。痛过敏现象的产生是由外周敏化(初级伤害感受器的敏感性增加)和中枢敏化(脊髓背角以及其他中枢神经元敏感性增加)引起的。
The effect of various noxious stimuli on the blood-brain barrier ⅰ. the change in blood-brain barrier and in capillary permeability in the early stage of radiation injury 各种致病因子对血脑屏障的影响Ⅰ.电离辐射作用后早期家兎血脑屏障及全身血管通透性的变化
However there are controversies about the role of NMDA receptors in the transduction of different kinds of noxious stimuli. 但对NMDA受体在不同伤害性信息传递中的作用却颇有争议。
Methods In SD rats CRD was used as noxious visceral stimuli. 方法:选用SD大鼠,采用直结肠扩张(CRD)作为内脏的伤害性刺激。
Intraperitoneal injection of morphine ( 10 mg/ kg) antagonized the effects of noxious stimuli on the pain related neurons. 腹腔注射吗啡(10mg/kg)可以对抗伤害性刺激对痛反应神经元的作用。
The right sciatic nerve was stimulated by train of electrical impulses as noxious stimuli. The electrical discharges of pain excitation neurons in the caudate nucleus were recorded with glass microelectrode to observe the influences of the intracerebroventricular injection of dopamine on the electrical activities of pain excitation neurons. 实验以电脉冲刺激大鼠坐骨神经作为伤害性痛刺激,用玻璃微电极记录尾核中痛兴奋神经元的放电,观察侧脑室注入多巴胺对痛兴奋神经元电活动的影响。
Results ( 1) When the noxious stimuli were administered, the frequency of evoked discharge of PEN was increased; 结果(1)伤害性刺激使大鼠丘脑PF的PEN诱发放电频率增加;
Experiments were carried out on Wistar rats. The nociceptive responses of convergent neurons in the right trigeminal nucleus caudalis ( TNC) to noxious stimuli exerted onto the receptive field ( cheek) were recorded extracellularly with glass microelectrodes. 实验用Wistar大鼠,玻璃微电极细胞外记录右侧三叉神经脊束尾侧核会聚神经元对同侧面颊部伤害性刺激的反应。
The capsaicin receptor null mice were severely deficient in their responses to the noxious stimuli of capsaicin, acid, or heat ( 43 ℃). 而敲除辣椒素受体的动物则对某些伤害性刺激,如辣椒素、H+、热(43℃)极不敏感。
Responses of the Neurons in Caudate-putamen Nucleus to Repeated Noxious Stimuli in the Rat 大鼠尾-壳核痛反应神经元对伤害性重复刺激的反应
The results indicate that formalin-induced Fos expression in the spinal cord is mainly mediated by NMDA receptors, suggesting the key role of NMDA receptors in the signal transduction of formalin chemical noxious stimuli. 这一结果表明,福尔马林刺激所引起的脊髓Fos蛋白表达,绝大多数由NMDA受体介导,提示NMDA受体在福尔马林化学性伤害性信息传递中,具有至关重要的作用。
Conclusion: The noxious stimuli to gallbladder cause the plasma extravasation in the area between the scapulas, this area may be the referred area of gallbladder pain. 结论:胆囊伤害性刺激可以使肩胛间区皮肤出现明显的血浆外渗,推测该部位可能是胆囊痛的牵涉区。
Excitatory amino acids ( EAAs) have been shown to be a sort of very important excitatory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system of vertebrates and involved in the primary signal transduction of noxious stimuli. 大量证据表明,兴奋性氨基酸(ExcitatoryAminoAcids,EAAs)是脊椎动物中枢神经系统的兴奋性神经递质,并参与伤害性信息的一级传递。
When some noxious stimuli attack the area below the level of damage, autonomic hyperreflexia can occur in the patients with paraplegia ( level of damage is above T6) or quadriplegia caused by spinal cord injury. T6以上脊髓损伤所致的截瘫或四肢瘫患者在损伤平面以下受到强烈刺激后,可引起自主神经过反射。
Investigation of the origin of the primary afferent transferring noxious stimuli and projecting to the dorsal commissural nucleus of the lumbosacral spinal cord in the rat-c-fos expression method 投射于腰骶髓后连合核的传递伤害性刺激的初级传入纤维的来源探索&c-fos表达方法
Objective: To investigate the referred area of gallbladder pain according to the plasma extravasation caused by the noxious stimuli to gallbladder. 目的:根据由胆囊机械扩张刺激和化学性刺激引起血浆外渗出现的部位,确定胆囊痛的牵涉区。
When the noxious stimuli were administered, the frequency of induced discharge of pain excited neuron ( PEN) was increased while the frequency of pain inhibited neuron was decreased and the perfectibility inhibition was presented. 伤害性刺激使痛兴奋神经元(PEN)诱发放电频率增加,使痛抑制神经元(PIN)诱发放电频率降低,并出现完全抑制时程,两类神经元相互配合活动;
The responses of neurons at the head of caudate nucleus to noxious stimuli 伤害性刺激对尾核头部神经元自发活动的影响
CAP, the main ingredient in hot chili peppers, elicits a sensation of burning pain by selectively activating sensory neurons that convey information about noxious stimuli to the central nervous system ( CNS). 辣椒素(capsaicin,CAP)是红辣椒中的主要成分,它可以选择性的激活感觉神经元,向中枢神经系统传导伤害性刺激从而产生灼痛。
According to a large number of studies, the analysis indicated that a variety of noxious stimuli is the most common reason of inducing and aggravating anesthesia emergence agitation, of which the most important risk factor is postoperative pain. 根据国内外大量研究观察分析表明,各种有害刺激是诱发和加重全麻苏醒期躁动的最常见原因,其中最重要的一个危险因素就是术后疼痛。
Previous studies have demonstrated that Ca2+ influx via NMDA receptor is able to evoke a series of signaling pathways in nociceptive neurons to enhance the neuronal excitability and its responsiveness to noxious stimuli. 资料显示:NMDA受体介导的钙离子内流,能够触发一系列的信号转导通路,提高痛觉感受神经元的兴奋性及其对外周伤害性刺激的反应性。